About me

       My name is Celine Kunz, I'm 25 years old and currently studying 
       Communication Design in Düsseldorf, Germany. I like to create and 
       spend time in nature, whenever I can. 
       Aside from that, I work as a Barista / Barkeeper since I really enjoy 
       interacting with people. In my spare time I love to dance, play video-games 
       and bake :)


       Programs I'm familiar with:
       Unreal Engine (Basic Knowledge)
       Gravity Sketch (VR)
       Adobe Photoshop
       Adobe Illustrator
       Adobe InDesign
       Adobe After Effects

       2008 - 2016              Abitur (Görres Gymnasium Düsseldorf)
       2016 - 2017               Marketing Management (IUBH in Düsseldorf)
       2018 - currently       Communication Design (Hochschule Düsseldorf / HSD)